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- .-----------------------------------------------------------.
- ¡ 1: sTANDARd lETTEr! ¡
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | 2: pERSONAl rECORd aBOUt me! |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------|
- | 3: nEWs.. |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | 4: wHERe aRe yOu? |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | 5: mESSAGEs! |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | 6: gREETINGs! |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | 7: aDVERTs! |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | 8: cREDITs! |
- `-----------------------------------------------------------'
- :::::.
- `::::::
- :::::::'
- `:::::::::
- ::::::::::.
- `:::::::::::
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- ¡ [1] - sTANDARd lETTEr ¡
- `------------------------'
- ______ Hello Every Body!!!
- _/°_ _\
- _/°.__\ /_/ This Is Plugster Of Defiance Who Is Back In Town!
- ___/°. (_°)^(°_) _ You Might Wonder Why In Heck It Took So Long Time
- (°__.:_ oo/___ )) For Me To Reply??? The Answer Is Easy...
- \\/: `\____/----(__} BuZz And The School Took All My Spare Time. Yes
- \\:. U ¬\ Thats Right I Have Started To Study... Right
- (_\:. .\____ Know Are We Working With AutoCAD In The School
- \_:. .----\ So We Are Sitting In The Front Of Our Computer
- \||___/ _//__ For Atleast 8 Hours A Day, So You Might Understand
- _||__ (_____) That I Was Not So Very Interesting In Starting To
- (_____) Copy Disk To You All ;) And On The Little Spare Time
- I Have Over So Was I Forced To Fix BuZz, Wich I Right Know Are Sending To You
- Hope You Will Be Satisfied With This Issue!!! I Think It Is The Best Issue
- Of BuZz Ever Made!!! To Everybody Out There That Don't Know How Much Work
- It Is Behind Every Issue!!! Can I Tell You That In This Issue Was It 765Kb
- Of Text To Be Edited... In Issue 5 Wich Was The Bigest Issue Ever Was It
- 1.2 Mb Of Text To Be Edited!!! In This Issue Of BuZz Have I Edited Every
- Single Word!!! And Almost 75% Of The Articles Was Writen By Myself!!! So
- The Only Thing I Can Say Is... HELP!!!
- And over All This So Must I Have Some Kind Of Social Life Right???
- So Every Single Weekend Have It Only Been One Thing In My Head And That Is!!
- PARTY PARTY... The Only Right Way To Live!!! And Soon Will It Be Time To
- Bee At The Beach Hole Day... I Really Looking Forward That!!! I Have Only
- One Thing Left To Write About In This Standard Letter... And That Is The Bad
- Part Of It... Since Defiance Right Know NOT Have Any Coders Left, So Have
- I Decided My Self To Leave Defiance And Join Another Group!!! So If It Is
- Any Body Out There That Want A Crazy Editor And Diskmagazine Called BuZz
- Let Me Know Then Please. All Offers Will Gladly Be Read!!!
- Okey!!! Plugster Of Defiance Is Signing Off...!!!
- --------ø------------------------ø------------------------------------------
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- .------------------------.
- ¡ [2] - pERSONAl rECORDs ¡
- `------------------------'
- Name : Mikael Andersson
- Age : 21 Years
- Family : 2 Parents (Mom+Dad) And One Brother..
- Pets : A Dog, And A Cat
- Computer : A1200 33Mhz/4Mb, 180Mb Hd...
- Hobbies : Movies, Music And Girls
- Fav. Msx : Alomst Every Kind of Music
- Fav. Film : Tombstone, The God Son, Subspices
- Prev. Grps: Death Defiers Wich We Renamed To Defiance
- Years In The Scene.. 4 Years...
- Hate : The Phone...
- Love : Friendship And Girls
- /\__ /\__ /\__ /\__
- .:/ \/ / \/ \/ \:..
- :/ / _/ / /\/\ /\/\ /:..
- // / // / // __// __/::..
- \____/\____/\____/\____/::...
- --------ø------------------------ø------------------------------------------
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- . .
- : :
- .------------------------.
- ¡ [3] - nEWs ¡
- `------------------------'
- --------
- - The Danish Crew Got kicked out Even the danish section of the BuZz team.
- - Avenger, Magnum Valiant got kicked becouse of lazyness.
- - Calladin Got Kicked becouse of lazyness.
- Gnome - Graphician
- Kervin - Graphician
- Lucas - Raytracer
- Mellon - Musician
- Mosquito - Sysop
- Oops - Graphician
- Phreek - Coder
- Plugster - Organizer
- Siracon - Musician
- Sputnik - Graphician
- Ugglan - Sysop
- Zombie - Swapper
- PC
- --
- Skylin - Sysop,Musician
- Slaze - Musician
- - Slaze sold his Amiga 1200 and bought a Pentium 90Mhz, his Board
- will soon be open again.
- :___/\____/\__/\________/\ __/\__/\_:
- ¦\___ \ ______/___ ____ \/ _______(¦
- i_/ | \ _)_ _) | _ | | \_| \_ _):i
- S\_____/___ \|__|_| |__| _/___/_ )S
- ø:\%%%%%%%%\/%%%%%l__|%%|__/%%%%%%\/:ø
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- ¡ [4] - wHERe aRe yOu? ¡
- `------------------------'
- I still wait for these guys to write back to me...
- Swat/Bronx
- Wolfman/Balance
- Crown/Cryptoburners
- Airbrain/Chaos A.D.
- Rapper/Isch Crew
- Ranger/Ladybird Design
- Messiah/Spaceballs
- Darkside/Foda
- Zinkfloid/Trsi
- Dark/Trsi
- Saturn/Virtual
- If you know any of them, please tell them i'm still waiting for them...
- --------ø------------------------ø------------------------------------------
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- . .
- : :
- .------------------------.
- ¡ [5] - mESSAGEs! ¡
- `------------------------'
- -[001]=> Brain Washer / Eremation
- Don't Get to Upset over your little delays... you see i can also make some
- ...Yeah BuZz is Released this week, have fun!!! Nope we have not any
- Demos/Intros !!! since we are missing a coder!!! But BuZz is out and hope
- you like it!!! ;) sorry for short note! but your wasen't either so long.
- remind me that i next time should send you an article or two to your mag!
- Okey??? hope to hear from you soon...!!!
- -[002]=> Noodle / Facets Pussy / Desire
- Hmmm, Thanks for the Ascci's they was great!!! i hope you don't care too
- much if i copied your idea with the All-in-one-letters??? i tried to not
- look exacly the same as you... Why??? i like your design in them!!!
- let me know if it is okey??? else i will make something diffrent!!! okey?
- Of cource can you be an official spreader of BuZz, i will add you to the list
- Nope we have no demo project !!! since we have run out of Coders!! gently
- sad!!! so the demo scene will be a bit silently for us!!! but but...
- -[003]=> Mike B / Magic
- Hmmm vi har nog lite att reda upp här!!!! Jag hörde på ryktes väg att
- Wizard hade hoppat ut!!! och joinat en annan grupp och om du läser BuZz_4
- så står det att "Wizard left Defiance!!!" och inget annat...
- om han fortfarande vill vara med i Defiance så är han välkommen!!! hälsa
- honom det!!! det blev nog ett litet missförstånd!!! jag hade absolut inget
- emot honom !!! skicka vidare min ursäkt om du vill!!!
- Tack för intervjun... kanske kan du fixa fler???
- Lite små komentarer till brevet ifrån Drac / Tomato Dreams!!! Han joinade
- endast Defiance BuZz staff inget annat!!! och sedan vi fick en himla
- massa klagomål på honom så bestämde vi oss för att kicka ut honom!!!
- Och visst var hans artiklar okey även om stavningen ibland inte var den
- bästa!!! men jag menade att det var innehålet som räknade och inte
- stavningen!!! och någon måste ju ta hand om skiten!!! eftersom jag tycker
- att han är almännt löjlig!! så includerar jag hans "open-letter" och min
- lilla förklaring i BuZz!!! så kallar han mig lamer fortfarande så är det
- något fel!!! Jag hatar uppnosiga små pojkar!!!
- -[004]=> Mr Pixel / Impulse
- Thanks For your letter!!! sure let us swap... but i can not promise you
- that i'am so fast like probebly the rest you know!!! becouse when i make
- Our diskmag!!! so will that take a while!!! hope you understand that!!!
- all information you want to know about me is in this letter!!! and if there
- are any thing ekse you want to know just ask!!!
- sorry i have no time to come to your party!!! here you soon!!!
- maybe you can make a module for the next issue if you want??? or maybe
- you are innteresting in drawing gfx to it just let me know??? bye
- abd hope to hear from you i a near future!!!!!!
- -[005]=> Snoop / Applause
- Hmmm, dealys, delays!!! but you might know how it is!!! BuZz and The School
- is taking all my spare time!!! so i'am very sorry about this short and awful
- letter!!! i'am also looking for a group right know!!! have you found one??
- ore should we start a new one??? why i'am leaving Defiance is that
- the rest of the members are not helping me with the edit of BuZz... they are
- only taking the creditz!!! and i really hate that... I have spendt over 3
- monts time doing the collection of NEWS,ADVERTS, hunting a gfx man that
- can draw the gfx for BuZz and have put toghether the hole mag 750 Kb text
- 230 kb music 600 kb graphics!!! 100 kb source code!!! and all this
- have i done self!!!! and when i have spoken to the others in Defiance
- if they should take the news for example!!! No it is so boring doing that!!
- but don't i think it is boring??? yes i does but i must do it!!!
- let see how much they like it know when i left!!! Defiance will proberbly die
- ce you in a near future!!!!!! Plugster / Defiance
- -[006]=> Hurricane / Eltech
- Nice that you finnaly join a group!!! sorry for my lame delay!!! but i have
- been busy whit editing BuZz wich i'am right know are sending to you!!!
- hope you like it!!!! ???? hmmm i have nothing to write about!!!
- Nice pictures you send to me!!! do you know if they was drawend or if
- they was scanned??? i should want to usee them in BuZz but i must then have
- a permision from the person how have draw it!!! or scanned it....
- i think i put your addy also in this issue !!! not sure can not have
- all adverts in my head!!!!!!!
- -[007]=> Pantera / Gods
- Tjo... tja läget är väl kanska kast i Defiance om man nu kan säga så!!!
- men annars är livet som en fest!!! fester varje helg jag börjar snart bli
- Alkis... och det vill jag absolut inte bli!!! nope jag skall varken till
- Nyköping eller stavanger på partyt eftersom jag vid den tiden går i skolan
- oops glömde jag skicka tillbaks dina stampisar!!! det var inte min mening
- det blir så många brev att skicka tillbaks ibland så!! dit kom väl bort i
- mängden!!!!! har faktiskt inte en enda bild på min HD den enda grafik som
- finns där är sådant som jag har gjort och grafik till BuZz... och om du vill
- ha min grafik får du skicka en Hd eller något sånt efter som det är stora
- Imagine animationer !!! den minsta tar 3.5 Mb !!! men vi höres!!!!!
- -[008]=> John Coven / Cadaver
- Hmm so you have bought your self a pentium!!! the bug on the pentium was
- on the 90 an 100 Mhz and it was a calculating error in the processor!!
- and it appeard if you done some advanced raytraycing with a lot of decimal
- but they have fixed that bug know!!!!!!! myself are working in the school
- on a pentium 90Mhz!!! we are runnig AutoCAD and 3d Studio on it!!! do
- you have version 4.0 of 3d Studio or else i maybe can fix it for you!!???
- Jupz i think more and more peoples are selling their amigas and to bay a
- PC!! i think that PC is a good computer!!! but i will miss my Amiga!!! and
- so is it to exensive for me!!!!!!
- -[009]=> Peace / Iris
- jupz i still like Interviews and if you can fix some for Issue 7 so will i
- be happy!!! Yes i have got Ghandy/rebels articles and it is included!! and
- your articles as well!!! .... hope that you like this issue of BuZz!!
- and hope you got it on time!!!!!!!!
- -[010]=> Mike / Mystic
- Hello!!! sorry for my little delay!!! but i have only one reason for that
- and that is BuZz!!!! I think i also have made the same choice that you did
- i'am not angry at you !!!! we can still be friends right???
- Thanks you for your BuZz suport!!! like in the beginning of this letter
- that i wrote that i was looking for a group!!! can you please spread that
- mess in your trade pack??? maybe someone is innteresting in having a
- diskmag!!! the only think i want is that the rest of the group will suport
- BuZz for 100% since alot of Defiance members don't do this take alook at the
- credits in this issue!!! who have done the althing!!! yes thats right it's
- me!!! I have also almost writen every single article!!!! 75% of all articles
- was done by i!!! what is that??? Have you read Drac's Hate letter to me?
- you can read it in BuZz!!! how lame can a dude get????
- sorry for short letter!!! hmmm, maybe you have right when you spoiled
- your standard letters!!! but you are saving alot of time doing thoose!!!
- -[011]=> PayDay / Freezers
- Hi!!! sorry for this short and delayed letter!!! but you did survive???
- dide't you!!!! varför skriver på engelska till dig för!!! det är nog jag
- som börjar bli virig!!! plugster virrar vidare borde vara ett bra namn på
- ett intro??? ehhmmm not!! så vad har hänt!! får nogot nyttt i scenen?
- har Colorbird/Razor 1911 släppt ut sitt nya nummer av propoganda än???
- skulle inte tro det!!! men men how cares!!! BuZz kommer här ialla fall.
- ha det så skoj!!!!!!!!
- -[012]=> Fugazi / Disorder
- Tja... hur är läget!!! du har inte jobbat ihjäl dig??? jag skjälv pluggar
- som en anna dåre!!! om nu dårar kan plugga!!! bra att det inte spelade
- någon roll om jag skickade mina frimärken eller inte efter som det är tjej
- inärheten där jag bor som också samlar på dem!!! och hon blir så himla glad
- vvarje gång jag kommer med frimärken till henne ;)
- sorry för det korta och innehåls lösa brev men som du säkert vet så blir
- man hellt virrig efter en hel dags brev skrivande!!!!!!! och så skall BuZz
- skickas ut!!! vilket slit jobb... vi höres!!!!!!!!
- -[013]=> Domain / Saints
- Sure i will send you the latest BuZz to you!!! and it was not issue 4 we
- released in denmark it was issue #5 but how cares!!! very nice articles
- you wrote i like them all!!! special that hate letter to Colorblind!!! do
- you know if he have read it??? or else can i send it to him!!! i have his
- addy were he works at Funcom in Oslo!!! he use to phone me !!! but it is a
- while since last time!!! i think it was at the party i talked to him the
- last time!!! but how cares!!! and i don't know when Propaganda is coming
- and i don't know if it is dead or not!!! sonce Defiance is dieing so am i
- right know loooking for a group to join... but i have nor found any one
- yet!! yes Hurricane have writen to me... and he seems to be a nice dude!!
- and it is always fun to help beginners!!! i know how it was when i startd
- to swapp!!! noone was answering my letters!!! when will you release your
- mag??? i hope you like BuZz and have a great time will you are reading it
- ... ce you in a near future!!!!!!!!!!!
- -[014]=> Trash Head / Mystic
- Here i'am back with BuZz 6 hope you like it!!! why Ranger / Ladybird design
- isen't are an spreader of it!!! is that he have not give any life signs
- from himself so i don't know if he was alive or what!!! tell him that he
- can send me a letter... so will i add him again in the official spreader
- list!!! When i diden't hear from him for awhile so was i forced to take him
- away!!! since there was alot of other peoples that want to be a official
- spreader!!!! thats why!!!!!!! Ofcource i can pread your cheets!!! have
- you collect some of them jet???? Hmmm i have been looking for the C -
- collection again and i Copied it from Slaze but since he have sold his Amiga
- so can i not fix it for you!!! sorry!!! but i will have an eye open for it
- okey??? how is it doing with EXIT??? do you need some help???
- -[015]=> Raven / Fanatci
- Great that you liked my old sending last time!!! i use to send utils when
- i have nothing else to send!!!! i will se what i put togheter this time!
- I hope you will like BuZz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- -[016]=> Ghandy / Rebels
- Thanks you for you hard work on my BBS list and ofcource i can send you the
- rest of it!!!! it was since you sad that it was so old that i removed it
- from BuZz 6 but if you can fix a newer verion of it so that i can iclude it
- again in Issue 7 or 8 depends on how much time you must have....
- so should i be very pleased!!! hope you liked BuZz 6!!!!!!!! see you
- soon Plugster / Defiance
- -[017]=> Marc Panther / Lsd
- Nope BuZz was in the first place ment to be released 23 februari!!! but it
- wasn't becouse the Graphics was not finnished then!!! so i was forced to
- wait... and here it finnaly is!!! BuZz 6... hope you will like it!!
- and i have not forgot you!! even if my small delays can look like it!! it is
- only that BuZz and the school takes almost every single spare time of my!
- and so must i have some kind of social life right ??? bye the way the
- next BuZz issue 7 will i porberbly release in the end of May!!! you see we
- are releasing it every second month!!! thans you for the Ami utils!!
- the BBS is starting too look nice!!! but the downloading will not work
- perfectly!!! but i will fix it!!!!
- -[018]=> Siracon / Defiance
- Har du hittat någon grupp ännu att joina!!! jag har skrivit det i detta
- brevet ialla fall !!! ursäkta detta korta brev... men just nu orkar jag
- inte skriva mer efter som jag har hållt på hela dagen med att kopiera och
- skriva brev till alla mina kontakter!!!!
- vi höres!!!!!! Slaze pratade om ett intern möte nu i vår är ni
- inntreserade??? hoppas det ialla fall!!!!!!!!!
- / höres ... Plugster
- -[019]=> Tecknoking / Unlimited
- Jupz sorry for this delay!!! but remember i'am not a disk stealer!! so even
- how long ttime it takes i will always send the disk back!!!!!!
- s orry for short note but hope to hear from you in a futture!!!!
- -[020]=> Wildcat / Scania
- Tack för diskarna + Amiback!!! nopee detta amiga freaket hade inte Amiback!!
- annars är det väl nästan lag på att ha det!!! men jag har det inte
- hur går det med BuZz på Internet!! skall vi försöka med nummer #7 av
- BuZz eller hur vill du göra!!! isåfall får du beskriva hur jag skall
- gå tillväga för att du skall ha artiklarna i dett speciella format Internet
- använder så kan jag ju skriva om de artiklarna som är inntresantast eller att
- jag skickar dem till dig!!! vi behöver ju inte ta med alla sidor right???
- bara de som är inntreseanta för folk i almänheten!!!!!!!!!!!!
- -[021]=> L-Vis / Gods
- Tack för att du ritade grafiken till BuZz på en sådant kort varsel!!!
- du kanske kan rita grafiken till nummer 7 också om du vill!!!
- isåfall så har du ännan till maj på dig att rita!!! hör av dig!!!!
- -[022]=> Mop/Essence
- Hello!!! Thanks for the 3rd Issue of ROM it was great. (as uselly)
- i will send you the 6 issue of BuZz hope you will enjoy it!!! to bad
- that i not recived ROM 1 day erlier becouse then i should have make an review
- of it in BuZz_6... Of cource will i spread it world over!!!
- Bad to hear that your post suxx it up!!! i know how it can be sometimes!!
- becouse when i sometimes recive 15-20 letter a day... the main post office
- calling me and asking what it is in them!!! Disk i say Empty Disk's!
- Yeah, The Internet (surfing) is the right way, i have not yet an Internet
- adress but it will come!!! i'am waiting for a Internet server that i can
- phone localy too!!! it will be very exensive else!!! BuZz have recently
- open a homepage on internet!! i can not the E-mail address but i can get it
- for next time!! It is not quite finnished, but when it is so should you read
- BuZz in the Internet!!! quite nice i think!!!
- Nope i olny got a A1200 so i can not swap HD Disk with you!!! sorry!!
- Que??? diden't like ROM#2 !!! what are you talking about... take a look at
- the review made in BuZz!! it can not be better!!! i really like the article
- Christine wrote!!! maybe she have right!!!
- Jupz Lord Helmet gave me some really strange comments!! but he was nice
- to talk too... Have you read the lastest RAW ??? i think that it was the
- best ever made issue!!! i hope they will release it a bit more often now!!
- i also swap with Terrox of RAW staff, he was helping me with BuZz_6 so i
- hope you will notice the diffrent!!! but the only thing i dislike is the
- lack of suport!!! is the scene dead, or what??? becouse when we started
- to release BuZz, we had alot of suport!! but now i almost wrote 75% of all
- articles!!! Okey!!! i understand why you not are changing GFx in
- the every issue!!! dont read that line in the review !!1 okey???
- Sorry for this ALL-IN-ONE-LETTERS but when i are spreading BuZz is this the
- esieest way of writing letters!!! if you dislike it, let me know!!!
- Bye: Plugster of Defiance ,/ Mikael
- --------ø------------------------ø------------------------------------------
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- . .
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- .------------------------.
- ¡ [6] - gREETINGs! ¡
- `------------------------'
- Steffen/Speedy
- Darkside/Samba
- Zuffel/Accession
- Al Bundy/Jewels
- Illusionist/The Fun Factory
- Thorin/Silicon
- Hunter/Boom Design/Pulse
- Ufo/Heetia/Iris
- Messiah/Spaceballs
- Major Bandit/X-Treme
- Crown/Cryptoburners
- Condor/Jewels
- Skyhawk/Orion
- E-Moon/Orion
- Pantera/Gods
- Noodle/F.p./Desire
- Raven/Fanatic
- Trash Head/Mystic
- Playboy/Static Bytes
- Fugazi/Disorder
- Extendet Architecture
- Growl/Fanatic
- Bird/Noise
- Msw/Effect
- Ranger/Ladybird Design
- Mike/Mystic
- Substance/Illusion
- Ajax/Epsilon
- Sinister/Maniacs
- Mike B/Mystic
- Norsman/Omega
- Zinko/Kefrens/Polka Brothers
- Deceiver/Decnite
- Grimlock/Grotesticle
- John Coven/Cadaver
- BrainWasher/Eremation
- Uyanik/Trsi
- Paperboy/Simplex
- Wolfman/Balance
- Colorbird/Razor 1911
- Snoop/Applaus
- Purple Haze/Speedy
- Madman/Extreme
- PayDay/Freezers
- Wildcat/Scania
- Peace/Iris
- Terrox/Raw Staff
- Technoking/Unlimited
- Norby/TRSI
- Marc Panther/Lsd
- Mop/Essence
- Phantom of Bravo
- Hurricane/Independent
- Ghandy/Rebels
- --------ø------------------------ø------------------------------------------
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- .------------------------.
- ¡ [7] - aDVERTISEMENTs! ¡
- `------------------------'
- . .
- _ _¦_____________________ __ __ _ _ _ ___________________¦_ _
- |::::: _ _______ ______ ____ _ :::::|
- |:::: wE / / ____ \/ ___ \\_ \ \ wE ::::|
- |::: tRY \//__/ /\// . \ \ \ ___ tRY :::|
- |:: hARDER / \__ \_/ l__ \ \ \/\/ / hARDER ::|
- |: - / | \_ ___/ \_\ / - :|
- |: aLWAYS! \___l_____/___l_____/ \_/\_/ aLWAYS! :|
- |: \_ _/ :|
- - -+-pLUGSTEr------------ -- -- - - - ----------pLUGSTEr-+- -
- |: ^o^ sUPPORt R.A.W. :|
- |: ^o^ :|
- |: tERROx / rAw sTAFf :|
- |: ^o^ Storleirvn.19 :|
- |: ^o^ 9310 Sørreisa ^o^ :|
- |:: nORWAy ^o^ ::|
- |::: :::|
- |:::: cALL: HERESY BBS +47 778 61486 eLite-bOArd ::::|
- |::::: :::::|
- - -*--------------------- -- -- - - - -------------------*- -
- : :
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- : : |
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- .------------------------. |
- ¡ [8] - cREDITs! ¡ |
- `---------------------+--' |
- | |
- | |
- ________________|_______________|________________
- | |
- | Ascii's Done By..........ReaCt / Saturne |
- | M¡ndPhaseR / Frezzers|
- | Steel / Mtj |
- | Loony / Desire |
- | Zombie / Defiance |
- | |
- | All Text Done By.........Plugster / Defiance |
- | |
- | Original Idea From........Noodl3 / FP/ ð3$¡Re |
- | |
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